
Cigar bands Washington

Set 14 of Washington - The history of America


Issued in 1966
Size 68 x 35 mm  -  2.68 x 1.38 Inch

The set has 120 cigar bands. There are 30 different images with 4 different wing colours.

The following images are on the wings

  1. destruction of a railway by general Sherman
  2. The beginning of heavy industry in the North
  3. Election speech of president Abraham Lincoln
  4. The Dead of Major general Sedgwick
  5. Battle of Nashville
  6. General Lee and Jackson on Horse
  7. The Battleship Keokuk
  8. The battleship Merrimac
  9. The Horn blower
  10. end of the civil war
  11. lieutenant general Grant
  12. President Lincoln surrounded by his generals
  13. farewell to the army
  14. sinking of the Alabama
  15. General R Lee as commander in chief
  16. Lincoln memorial in Washington
  17. Veterans of general Lee
  18. Arrival of Lincoln in Richmond
  19. Tomb of the unknown soldier
  20. General Sherman
  21. The first black battalion
  22. soldiers in front of tents
  23. black people following the army
  24. aviation pioneer
  25. battle of the crater
  26. Lincoln and his ministers
  27. federal cannon battalion at Yorktown
  28. Edison and his lamp
  29. ku klux klan terrorises
  30. industrial agriculture

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